Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Things I can't predict

I can't predict how this baseball season will go.  I have fallen out of knowledge about the teams, the prospects, the off season moves.  I don't even know how the Yanks, Sox (Red) and Rays look.  Usually, I can tell you their routine lineups and rotation, because I know how it stacks up against the O's.  I don't this year.  I will pick it up over time, but it has fallen off my radar.

I can't predict what is going to go on with the Skins this off season.  I know that it is proceeding remarkably like previous off seasons, much to my horror.  We find a quarterback that can work with our JV coaching staff, and can't ink a deal to keep him.  We can't figure out what we are going to do with Matchstick Man (RGIII), I can only pray that Romo continues to experience general osteoporosis, and the Boys suck up Johnny Drunkard and RGIII.  I don't much worry about the Eagles, as long as they keep Sam Bradford, they are guaranteed to have no 16 game starter.  The Giants are a dismal wreck, but last time I said that, they went to the Super Bowl and won.

I can't predict what is going to happen with the weather.  I think spring has arrived here in NC, but would not be surprised to see 18 inches of snow next week.  Global warming is a myth and all that, but it is strange that we alternate between the Amazon jungle climate and the Antarctic each week.  Lord knows, that is just how it has always been.  Science has no hold on me!!(JK)

I can't see what will happen with the Presidential election.  I am pretty certain that Trump and Hillary will end up the nominees, and I will for the first time explore what the LegalizeMarijuana Party candidate thinks about things other than weed.  However, it is possible that Hillary will face a federal indictment before the convention, which could mean we have a nascent Communist running against a megalomaniac billionaire.  I am not certain what that means for America, but I am pretty sure it is not good.

Honestly, I don't know about the rest of the elections.  It would seem to me, considering the inability to do anything at all in DC, the ridiculousness of the behavior of our Congresspeople, and the fact we have not had a budget since the Korean War I think, should be telling facts.  It would seem that there should be a wholesale swap out of folks serving.  This election should be a bloodbath.  Except, most of the crop of folks lining up to challenge the currently serving crop, are actually very much the same person as their opponent.  There are exceptions, some serious folks that are just fed up.  But, I fear that regardless of vote, we are continuing the inmates running the asylum.  It sucks.

I don't worry too much, we have been in a mess since the Garden of Eden.  I just don't like the tea leaves being so screwed up.  It generates angst and confusion.  Most of us are really not good with those particular conditions.  Me, especially, I am not good with that.  I don't like the feeling.

But a little piece of me is actually kind of excited to see how this turns out.  Will we actually elect someone that has been investigated dozens of times, potentially knowingly mistreated top secret information, and ends up being charged with a felony, but not prosecuted as the President is immune to prosecution, outside of the Congress?  Could we have a second Clinton Impeachment hearing?  And, does anyone think that Reptillia Clinton will be able to convince as many Republicans as Slick Willie not to dump her ass?

Will we actually see an openly racist, sexist and homophobic billionaire be put in charge of a country reeling under the machinations of the biggest banks and financial institutions?  A guy who has been playing footsies with the unions and local boards and councils, as a Republican and making a mint?  A guy that has conducted business, knowingly or otherwise, with the Mafia, most likely knowingly?  A guy who orders his wives from Russia, and lives in the Golden Xanadu?

Will we see Chris Davis win a World Series MVP?  Will we see a rotation with three starters with 20 wins again?  Will we see a group of stars stand up and place themselves in the same place in people's minds that Eddie Murray, Cal Ripken, Raphael Palmeiro, and Brady Anderson still sit?  Is this a generational change in one of the storied franchises in America's Game?  Does Buck actually have the chops to do something with the talent and drive?

Will the Redskins return to the form of the 80's and early 90's?  Will the Hogs root around again?  Is there a new Fun Bunch around DeSean?  Is Kerrigan a real star?  Can we find a quarterback, stick with them, scheme for them, and win with them?  Can we keep the owner in the owner's box and off the phone, until after the Gatorade bath?  Will Jack Kent Cooke stop rolling around in his grave and causing earthquakes that damage the Washington Monument?  Is it possible that Lombardi is again the name of the trophy the Skins win, and not just the name of a one season coach over 50 years ago?

Who knows?  That is the beauty of the situation.  We don't know.  Death and taxes, and I suppose that is really it.  While some of it is really concerning, like the thought of President Hillary, or Emperor Trump, some of it is not all that bad to ponder.  Unless you are thinking about the Yanks winning a pennant or the Cowboys going to the playoffs.  If you are, you seriously need to consider professional help.  No one has time for that mess.


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