Saturday, March 26, 2016

Holy Saturday

What a day this is.  This is the day, some 2000 years ago, that the world that had known the physical presence of the Creator and Savior of the universe, was this whole day, without his presence.  What a bereft and empty feeling there must have been in the world, magnified so deeply for that core of followers that were left here to mourn.

How many really believed he would return?  The Scripture only shows that one woman, Mary, his mother, was convinced of what would occur.  It is unfathomable to me what an empty, hollow and horrible day that was.

We do not often consider what Jesus was doing during this day.  While his followers mourned and mostly considered what would become of them, Jesus was engaged in one of the least remarked, but most important parts of his mission of salvation.  He was in Hell.  The Scripture does not describe in detail those events.  Perhaps that is why we don't remark upon it often enough.

But, the God, who took on the form of man, who suffered and then died for our sins, went to Hell.  We use that casually as a cussing phrase.  "I hope you go to Hell!"  We don't actually understand or mean what that phrase describes.  It is the ultimate paradox.  God, who was present at the creation, who was, who is, who will always be, went to Hell.  The place that is described as the lake of fire, the eternal suffering.  Jesus, as God, knew what a punishment and horror Hell was, when he created it.  Yet, he went there, in the form of man.

The God who loves us, went to the place that is singular in that it is forever divorced from the presence of God.  Imagine being in the darkest, scariest dungeon imaginable, imprisoned behind brick walls thousands of feet thick.  Into that eternal nothing, comes the SOMETHING.  The brightness and completeness of His presence must have been akin to the light of the creation of the universe.  How painful for Jesus, to be completely bereft from the Father and Holy Spirit.  How painful for the souls in Hell, to have in their presence for so short a time, the thing they most want union with and are forever forbidden.

It is implied that Jesus fought the devil there and won.  I think that may not be exactly accurate.  The devil has no power with which to fight Jesus, who made him.  The devil has power against Angels and against man, but not against God.  I think that Jesus punished the devil, by being there, his presence the painful reminder of what the devil betrayed, fought against and was cast out from.  It is what enraged him, so that he goes about like a prowling lion, roaring in anger, and devouring those the consort with him.

Jesus was there, and there he did something, so that all of us had the ability to avoid descent into that place.  That something has to be on the order of miraculous that is Creation.  While it is the least described and understood part of the Easter mystery, it is potentially the most impactful.  God, who suffered beating, torture, humiliation and ultimately death, then went to Hell.  That is an unimaginable sacrifice to me, that someone, that knew the depth of the torture it is to be in Hell, went there for me.  I have known men that gave their lives for another.  I respect that courage and selfless spirit, but I can't imagine allowing myself to be sent to Hell, for someone as sinful as I am.

So, we will hear lots of sermons about the Disciples, how they suffered from doubt and misunderstanding.  We will hear sermons about the resurrection.  We will gladly proclaim He is Risen!, but will we consider what he has risen from?  Will we offer worship and joy over what Jesus actually did for us, and the immense burden he bore for us?  Do we recognize that he suffered our penalty?  Not that he died, because we know that other men can do that.  As much as we appreciate it, and honor it, it is not singular to the Trinity.

What is singular, is that simply, just like the sinner I am and continue to be, Jesus went to the place bereft of the love and light of the universe, for us all.  In that time, in that way, he fulfilled all of our deserved punishment.  That is what Jesus was doing on this day, that we symbolize on Holy Saturday.  There is a feeling of nothing, of isolation and quiet, about this day in the church life.  Imagine this day 2000 years ago.

Those that knew Jesus, tried to believe in Jesus, most keenly felt the loss of Jesus, their friend, their teacher, their Savior, cut off completely from God.  For God in Hell for us, is an unimaginable thing.  It is like understanding how when there was nothing, there was God.  It does not make sense to us, it does not compute with our limited understanding. It is one of those stumbles, that believe that they can understand God, use to deny His existence.  They claim to not believe unless they know, can prove it.  Some become so hardened they deny the existence completely.

They do not realize they already are living in Hell.  They are going to where Jesus went after he died for us, because just dying was not enough.  Jesus had to overcome all the things that stand in our way to communion in the eternal presence of God.  I feel for them.  They live every day in the feeling this day has for me.  There is no connection to the ultimate source of everything in the universe.  It is cut off from us, and it is because that is required to pay the price for our sin.  We were not created to know sin, but were created to freely worship the Lord.

Imagine never being able to be in that presence.  Not just are you worthy, but just never being able to be in that presence.  It is a horrible nightmare, because every human, in their heart, knows that they proceed from the Father who created us, was taught and saved by the Son who loved us, and is strengthened and guided by the Holy Spirit that wants to live within us.  Every agnostic, atheist, pagan, heretic, knows this in their heart, though they deny it.  It is possible to condemn yourself to a life similar to that full day the Disciples spent 2000 years ago.  It is a sad reality, and on this day of the Easter season I am always reminded of them and pray hardest for them.

While they are yet here, it is not too late to declare they are of God, that his Son died and WENT TO HELL FOR THEM, and that his Holy Spirit wants to in dwell them and guide them ever to the Father.  Jut as is true of us, it is true of them.  And if they do find their way home, all the hosts of Heaven celebrate in the presence of the Father, that one of his lost is found again.  We are all lost, without Jesus, and we are all a source of pleasure and pride to the Father, and we are all worthy to the Holy Spirit.

That is what today signifies to me, and why Easter Sunday is so wonderful to me.  I hope you feel the wonder of the resurrection, and the absolute pardon, that was won for you in a miraculous way on Holy Saturday.  He will Rise, He will INDEED.


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