Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Potty Patrol, really?

So, while I sympathize with our less than stellar governor, McCrory and his statement that he does not want a man to walk into a public bathroom where his daughter is showering, and say "This is what I think I am."  I don't want that either.  But, there are not all that many public restrooms with showers.  And, I wonder at why I don't hear outcry and moaning over all the transgender people that have been going to the bathroom in the opposite gender facilities already.  What, you don't think that is happening?  You should run for the legislature then, they think like you do.

If we think about the vast, vast majority of bathrooms, they are small rooms with stalls, a prevailing odor and an awkward closeness that is contrary to normal bodily habits.  How exactly are we to enforce the law that the legislature passed and governor signed?

I get the whole emotion thing behind it.  I understand the kind of seething, foaming at the mouth this kind of issue produces on both ends of the spectrum.  It is tailor made for both the ultra left, and the ultra right.  Unfortunately, it is kind of ridiculous to the vast middle.

I am not volunteering to stand outside any restroom and judge the gender of the people entering by the way they look.  "Excuse me, maam, but you look like a dude in a dress, can you show me your genitals please?"  What in the hell are our elected leaders thinking?  This gives the city management and the state legislature a reputation they deserve.

No cop is going to ask a burly looking lady to produce some proof of gender as she enters the public facilities.  They would be wrong, 99% of the time, and fired for it, 100% of the time.  But, let's play this out.  What is the next step?  Four bathrooms?  One for straight men, one for gay men (including men dressed as women), one for straight women, and one for gay women (including women dressed as men)?  And, do we hire a new branch of law enforcement to do potty patrol?

I mean it is just plain fricking ridiculous.  In this day and age, where we can't keep a company in the country, where we worry daily about terrorism, where we see kids with MAC10's shooting up parks and malls, where we see environmental quality erosion, this, this potty issue, is the thing that we will call the assembly back into session over?

One side of this is congratulating themselves on a principled stand on unenforceable and ridiculous legislation.  The other side is fermenting revolt and boycott and false outrage over unenforceable and ridiculous legislation.  The middle road people worried about making ends meet, wondering why they fail to pass any useful highway repair funding, wondering when they will work on fixing the ridiculous gas tax we are tagged with, wondering when we will get adults worried about governing, and not campaigning, just look around us and think, this, this is the group I am stuck on the life raft with.

If there is a more ridiculous and foolish debate and waste of governmental time, both in passing the original statute and the horror filled immediate legislative response, I would like to know what it is.  Maybe it is another bridge to nowhere in Alaska to service all 43 people that live there.  Maybe it is another military procurement program like the F35, ten times the cost and still not delivered in a working condition.  Maybe it is another government shutdown because we don't want to pay for the debt we have already incurred, right after we take the banks to task for not servicing debt they already incurred.  Maybe it is anything to do with gay marriage.  Maybe it is the plight of whales at Sea World.

For the sake of everything that is holy, can we get worked up over good jobs for our kids, good pay for our teachers, good educational opportunities, bridges that are not falling apart and water that doesn't poison those that drink it?  That is a list of worthy things to go enforce, legislate, debate and work our asses off on.

Or, tell me you are the one that volunteers to tell the next "woman" with a slight mustache to hike her skirt to verify gender, before they use the restroom at the food court at the mall.  Can we just grow up and get back to being adults, with real concerns and real issues?  This is not going to protect people from rapists that prey on those in public restrooms.  It is a dog whistle, and even my dog is not dumb enough to come when you blow it.

How in the world did these people get in charge?  And what does it say that we keep electing them, over and over and over?  Honestly, look in the mirror and ask yourself how did we get here.  Think it all the way through and tell me you are satisfied with our state or federal government.  Then tell me how you don't understand Trump/Sanders.  They are suggesting all kind of unicorn with a gift bow crap that makes about as much sense as this.  PT Barnum had it right.


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