Friday, April 15, 2016

Things I know

Just a random sampling from the last week, because it has been that kind of week.

God does not care about tomorrow in any way like we do, He is already there.  We ought to just trust that a tomorrow with God in it, is going to be okay for us.

What other people think is generally wrong, generally uninformed, and generally going to upset you.  This is because other people are not you.  They don't have the experience you do, do not know the sorrow you have lived and can't comprehend the reality you face.  It is not your fault they don't understand, and more importantly, it is not your responsibility to explain it.

Refer to above, since it is not your responsibility, worrying about it probably is inappropriate.

This is a fine life.  Not perfect, not everything we wish, but full of those we love and that love us.  Even if it doesn't feel like it every moment, that is true.

I cannot possibly know what you need me to know, unless you tell me about that need.

Just because I am not as upset about it as you are, does not mean I disregard the issue, or don't know that it is a problem.  I have things that piss me off worse than you.  Do me the courtesy of letting me decide my own priorities.

Advice is worse than the flu virus.  Stop being patient zero.

Happiness does not come to you, it is in you.  All the other crap that overcomes happiness comes to you.  Refuse delivery.  That is how you manage that.

Somewhere around the end of your nose, your ultimate authority runs out.  This is not clearly defined, but the range is millimeters.  Assume it ends at you, accept your authority, and your responsibility.  Let others accept or ignore their own.

My good situation is not a direct outcome of your bad situation.  Nor, is the opposite true.  I am not blaming you for where I am in life, I am blaming you for where YOU are in life.

You can repent.  You can remediate.  You can change.  You can overcome.  But, you never get to not be what you were.  Own it, others are going to put it on you, regardless.

Yes, grown adults should be able to let go of something that happened years ago.  No, they generally don't.

If you are unhappy about something, you have to change, not the something.  Somethings don't think, don't feel and don't care.  You do.

Life is better now than it was then.  It just is.  Stop trying to prove it isn't, and start trying to prove it is.  Even if you can't, it is a much more enjoyable investigation.

Highest aspirations and actual results never match up.  That does not equal failure.  That is reality.

I am richer than you are, especially if you worry about my money.  If you even think about my money, my stuff, my bank account, I am richer than you by a Bill Gates times Warren Buffett factor.

No, I am not always positive.  Sometimes I am just pretty sure.  I just don't let you know the difference.  Forgive me the slight deception.

Hope is the description of God's love.  Faith is the experience of God's love.  Love is our reflection of God, within us.

My backyard is better than anywhere in the world, except my house.  They are interchangeable if I am holding Katrina's hand.

God did not explain things to me.  God did not make Himself clearer to me than to anyone else in the world.  I just quit expecting God to meet my expectations, and started trying to meet His.

In April, the water in the pool is really, really cold.  But, it won't stay that way.

I stopped doing things I did not even know I quit doing.  The important things, I have to think about every day, and verify I did them.  I like lists, I just quit keeping score by them.

Spaghetti O's will never be the kind of "super" food that gluten free, high potency, krill oiled dressed dried sea kelp is.  I get that, I am a grown up.  I ate Spaghetti O's yesterday, and it was awesome.  If you ate kelp stuff, I hope it was awesome.  I will never know, and I don't lecture you on the merits of filling your belly with preservatives to build your immunity to the rest of the things in the world that contain them.  Leave me alone about not eating kelp.  I don't care.

I lost all of my curiosity about "cool" stuff, along about the time I made my first mortgage payment.  I appreciate "cool" stuff.  Curved TV's, high resolution digital doodads and whatever LTE's are.  Great, all of them.  I still have a mortgage payment, and the VCR that was "cool" when I made my first mortgage payment is extinct, like the dinosaurs.  My mortgage survives.  There are no extinction level events for reality, but "cool" is constantly on the drop edge of yonder.

I want to die happy.  Fifty or so years from now.  But, happy will work, whenever it comes.  If that is my ultimate goal, and none of us know what our expiration date is, then shouldn't I stay happy, just in case this is it?  If I don't, isn't it really my fault if I don't achieve my goal?

I love you.  I am positive that I don't like a bunch of you, but I love all of you.  I am not in charge of making you different, better, more or less important, validating you, explaining you, understanding you, empowering you, or improving you.  I am not.  Stop expecting me to be, be satisfied with me loving you, whether I like you or not, and get on with your life.  I already have.

It doesn't matter what color the container is.  If the milk is fresh it all looks the same.  If it is spoiled, it all smells the same.  Regardless of your container color, work on not being spoiled.  Just do that, and pretty soon, all lives matter and stuff.  Keep focused on the color of the container and not the contents, and pretty soon, the whole world smells like rotten milk.  It is getting pretty stinky at this point, isn't it?

I love you.  Not as much, or as well as God.  So, if I am not hitting all your needs in that department, cut me some slack.  I am no closer to being God than you are.  Judge me by that standard, and see if it doesn't feel better.

Absolutely the best news so far in 2016.  It is baseball season again.  Really, it makes almost everything better.  The stuff it doesn't, yeah soccer and hockey fans pay attention to that, and I got nothing for them.


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