Sunday, June 19, 2016

Father's Day

It has been a rough year so far.  Katrina and I both lost our fathers, in a very short span of time.  This is the first Father's Day since either of them passed.  I have to admit, the world is not as safe feeling nor as bright as it was.

I miss them both.  Father's Day is about your father, it is funny how that stacks up in generations.  It gets a little depressing when you realize you are suddenly the oldest father left.  Or, better said, it could get depressing.  I don't get depressed.

I have four beautiful children, two that God gave me at birth, and two that God put in my life much later.  They each have a partner in their lives that I am privileged to know, and love.  I am a man that knows what it means to be loved as a father, and that was my gift from God, that I am always thankful for.  They give me that gift every day.

I don't understand why any of those eight people do some of the things they do, but because I am Dad, I don't have to understand.  I am going to be there whether it turns out right or wrong.  I am going to be there when they are unsure whether it is going to turn out at all.  I am going to be there, when the road is roughest, and when it is smoothest.  I am going to be there.

I honestly think that is the best present you can get on Father's Day, that you get to be a father.  I am so honored that God gave me these eight unique and wonderful people.  I am so lucky that I get to be there in their lives, because they are such unique and wonderful people.  They bring so much to me, so much that enriches my life, that gives purpose to my concern and my worry, that brings happiness in their presence, that allows me to teach and to learn.

On this Father's Day, I don't know if I will see them all.  But, I know that I will think about them all.  I will love them all.  And they will love me back.  That makes for a really, really good day.  See, I get that every day.  Father's Day is about honoring your father, all the fathers in your life.

I hope I do that every day.  I hope I honor them all, by the kind of father they led me to be.  I hope I carry them with me in how I deal with the things father's deal with.  I hope I am passing it on to another generation, as it was passed on to me.

This is the first Father's Day that I won't hear my Daddy say "I love you son."  That is a source of grief.  But, I temper that with the knowledge that he is able to clearly hear God say "I love you son." And that knowledge, makes me a little envious, and okay that he is gone.  Because, like always, he is there ahead of me, doing it first, showing me the way.

I honor him most, by how I do as a father myself.  I have no illusions that I will do it his way, or as well as he did.  But, Joe Beans raised his sons to be father's first.  You work to care for your children first.  You save to care for your children first.  You love to care for your children first.  You live for your children first.  And, in the course of doing that, you honor the Father and the Son.

So, Happy Father's Day Daddy.  Happy Father's Day Sonny.  Though we don't get to call and say it, or go see you and say it, I am positive you hear it.  And positive you know we love you still.

Happy Father's Day Lorne.  Thank you for teaching me all I have learned from you.  I'll call when you get back from vacation.  I love you.

Happy Father's Day Eric.  Thank you for being there when I was deployed, and trusting me to be there for Josh when you were.  We taught each other, and I am still learning from you.  I love you.

Happy Father's Day Keith, Jason, Zack, Brian, Joshua.  You are all amazing young men, doing a wonderful job with your children.  I am very proud of you all, and I love you all.

Happy Father's Day, Lord.  I hope you continue to help me live as if each day is Father's Day in my relationship with you.

To all the father's out there, thank you for what you do, for the love you show, for the path you take.  You are more important to the world than you imagine, and a much bigger part of your children's world than you know.

For those of you that are baby daddy's, I pray you stop that nonsense.  Take the plunge, make the commitment, be a father.  Being a father has nothing to do with biology.  Biology only counts in terms of legality in finances.  Being a father is a decision to love unconditionally, and without reserve.  It is the single most important thing you can ever strive to be, and it will pay you back in wealth beyond anything you have imagined.  If you think that wealth is money, you will learn what true wealth is.  Stop being unimportant and unnecessary in your children's lives, and become irreplaceable and vital.  All it takes is the decision to love, and to never stop loving.

Today, I get to reflect on the riches I have already received, and be more than satisfied it is a good life I have.  Eventually, I pray I will have grandchildren and watch these four young men be fathers themselves.  I will be even more wealthy when I see them respond as I have, and even more inspired when I see them respond better than I have.  That is the circle of life, that matters and sustains.  And, I am so blessed, so loved and so rich it brings tears to my eyes.

So, Happy Father's Day to all that wear that title proudly and without reserve.  You make the world safe, wonderful and exciting, because you provide the comfort of knowing that there will always be a safe harbor in any storm, with you.  And, thank you to all the children out there, that give the gift back, with your love.  That is all any father really needs or wants.


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