Tuesday, July 5, 2016

National You Have Got To Be Kidding Me Day

Well, yet another federal investigation into the Clinton's.  Yet another finding of insufficient cause for prosecution.  You know how when you have a person that has committed 20 previous burglaries, and one happens close to where they are, that person is immediately suspected?  Yeah, and that person has a high bar to pass to keep from getting charged with number 21?  Yeah, that doesn't work for the Clinton's.

In the interest of disclosure, I will never vote for Hillary/Felony.  I think Bill Clinton had a womanizing problem, but was basically free of the stain of larceny and subterfuge.  He probably does not have the capacity.  His "wife" is one of those people you are quite sure could throw puppies in a sack, and into the creek to be done with them.  She, she has the mercenary and indeterminate attitude to do most anything, from the sense I get.

Now, I don't know the woman personally.  I have never spent any kind of time with her to get a sense of what she is like, at heart.  I can only go by how her life has played out, how she has responded publicly and what efforts she has made to change her behavior and her mien.  Based on that, she does not pass the sniff test, and plenty more stinky things are going to come.

That is not to say that if I were left to be the single deciding factor in who becomes President, Felony Clinton or Trump...well, Felony is probably not going to nuke Canada for making fun of her hair piece.  Trump is such a bag of kooky, I would never chance the future of this nation in his tiny hands.  Anyone that would has a much braver streak of defiance than I do.  In the pit of lesser of two catastrophes, I will take the tornado over the hurricane.  It is smaller, shorter in duration and way less devastating long term.  That doesn't mean I want a tornado, but having been through both, yep, I take Felony.

I will not be that deciding factor.  I will not be voting for either candidate.  If I cannot find enough about Gary Johnson or Jill Stein that does not frighten me as much, I will be casting a vote for one of them.  If I cannot, I will be leaving the Presidential ballot blank.  No way I am casting a ballot for either of these extremely poor people, nor their extremely poor capacity.

Do not let the apologists fool you, in that Felony is the most qualified candidate for President of our lifetime.  I would submit that the most qualified of my lifetime was probably Richard Nixon, and he was an amateur compared to this woman's criminal capacity.  More qualified than Felony, and shamefully denied a second term for doing the right thing, an issue that Felony or her husband has never faced (doing the right thing), was George Herbert Walker Bush.  The same group of "sages" that anoint Felony as ultimately qualified, called the recent slaughtering of the lambs that was the Republican field, the most talented field of their lifetime.

People don't really know what to make of this year's election, or what to make of these two people.  It is almost inconceivable to imagine Mitt Romney facing these issues.  He ran a terribly mercenary business ruining people's lives, but he was rich, they were poor, what is a rich dude supposed to do?  Not get richer?  That is not the American way.  I found it disgusting, and I did not vote for him, for lots of reasons, but mostly because he was milk toast in an Armani suit, who the rest of the world would hang by his silk tie.  We tried that kind of awe shucks good boy schtick in '76.  For those of you that don't remember, it involved wearing sweaters in the White House to save energy, a failed foreign policy, the decimation of the military, and the capture and holding of Americans in an embassy.  We could not even figure out how to get into Iran, much less free the hostages.  We had broken the military to the point that it failed to even make it into the country it intended to enter.

Mitt was a terrible candidate because there was no passion there.  You couldn't even see passion when he was supposed to be showing how much he hated Trump's guts.  And, look, if you can not work up a good ole hatred of Trump, you just don't have the stuff.  Neither Felony nor Trump lack passion.  Felony's is the kind of cold, slithering rattlesnake intense kind of passion to possess power.  There is no doubt who wears the pants suits in that family, and I am positive Billy Boy is just fine with that.

Trump is the carnival barker.  I have no idea if there is any passion there for wanting to do something for America, but there is certainly passion there to increase the Trump brand.  The Emperor has no clothes kind of thing, which is why the tax forms will never be released before the election.  He hawked steaks and wine from the stage at a news conference while running for President.  He will be the NASCAR President, selling advertising space on the side of Air Force One, which will be repainted Trump 1.  This is all about the size of his miniscule hands, and the man is seriously in bed with the Neo Nazis and White Supremacists.  Where else does he keep getting stuff off White Supremacy message boards to stupidly retweet?  People are sending it to him and he is reading it and going Wow!, then retweeting it, demonstrating agreement with and support of that crap.  Hell, I would much rather have Felony in the White House with all the Sisters of the Cracked Nuts, than someone that is in bed with Aryan Nation and the KKK.

I cannot and will not support this.  You have to really think about who you support.  It is not okay to play fast and loose with some of the nation's most sensitive material.  I have seen good sailors completely lose their career over one misplaced email that was at most Confidential.  Hundreds, fifty different email chains that were Top Secret, that is completely inexcusable.  I was once one of those Americans overseas, facing down our nation's enemies.  I could not imagine the Secretary of State running Top Secret information about my ship's position and mission out of a server in her fricking basement.  Her home basement, not even the State Department basement.  That is beyond excuse, for someone that is the "most qualified candidate of our lifetime".  Bullshit.  The most inadequately prosecuted candidate, perhaps.

It is also not okay to be racist.  And, if you do not see the comments about a Federal judge, who is a naturally born citizen, being unable to fairly run a trial of Trump, as as racist as you can get, there is something wrong with your seeing abilities.  Look, there is nothing I can do to prove that racism to you if you don't see it.  You will most certainly not see the misogyny that is endemic in his record.  You will certainly not see the slimy business that is in his record.  You will certainly not see how detrimental his approach to Muslims, about 1/6 of the world's population, is to the safety, security and overall well being of our nation.  You will certainly be blind to that, and the visually impaired are about the only special interest group he has not insulted or mocked, maybe on purpose.

If nothing else, this is a chance to understand exactly what this nation stands for.  If all we are confident of, capable of, and concerned with, is the perpetuation of the status quo, it will be apparent.  If we, as a nation, are determined to be American, and not be whatever this is, it will be apparent.

The truth is like a pair of spectacles, that allow you to see clearly and with wisdom.  It is not going to be found on Breitbart, Fox, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, or the shadowy corners of the NRA backed conspiracy internet sites.  It has to be found by research, and the unwillingness to follow along blindly with what you are fed.  I feel bad for the law of this nation.  This is a bad situation for the FBI.  They took the pussy way out.  "A reasonable prosecutor would not seek this indictment."  Yeah, when did reasonable have anything to do with this snake pit?

Now what?  Do we all just continue to take it?  Do we assume this is all we can legitimately expect?  Because, if it is, I feel for my children and grandchildren.  They are going to know what it feels like to live in Britain today.  Lost, and adrift in their own smoke screen of near relevance, talked about only for their own damaging economic suicide.

Hooray, July 5th, our National You Have Got To Be Kidding Me Day.

1 comment:

  1. Gary Johnson 2016! I'm with you. I was on the Trump wagon for about a day. I thought it would be good for the party to grow a pair. Instead he showed his crazy early. I was out. I knew I wouldn't vote for either of the two major party idiots. I was tired of holding my nose when I voted. So even though I disagree with a couple major issues with Gary Johnson, as you said he probably wont drop a nuke so he is the least dangerous of any of the candidates. Our FBI, D.O.J all corrupt and dangerous to our republic. GOD please help us.
