Saturday, July 23, 2016

Talks with Jesus

I have decided that should be my tribal name.  Talks With Jesus.  Because I do.  I struggle with the world around me at times.  Most are not equipped to face the world the way that I do, and most do not approach life with the same scorecard that I do.

Because of that, it would be very easy to take my frustration out on the rest of the world.  I was gifted with quick wits, and a streak of stubborn angry that coincides with a deep sense of self righteousness.  I am not exactly sure where those traits came from, but I have them in abundance.

One of the only effective tools I have found is to talk it through in my head with Jesus.  I try to imagine the conversation we would have.  I think, in the hindsight of the Bible and history, we miss the fact that Jesus was extremely charismatic and just a great conversationalist.  He talked with everyone, and his conversation skills were unmatched.  It is what I imagine one of the great pleasures of Heaven, to be intimately acquainted and present with Jesus for eternity.

However, it is usually Jesus' teaching side that I need.  I was thinking about this yesterday morning, over NC's LGBT Bathroom fiasco.  Our esteemed Lt. Gov., who is probably a man of good conviction and character, doubled down on the statute.  I am not a fan, and have not been since its signing by Gov. McCruory.  I think it is hate speech in law, poorly informed on facts, and needless and divisive.

But, my temper gets the better of me.  I spent a couple hours cutting grass.  I call it tractor therapy.  It is really a time to put in ear buds, listen to praise music and go over things in my head.  I had this vision of a TV talk show debate, with all the "evangelical" politicians, pastors and journalists, with Jesus.

In my head, it goes something like this (Jesus' words in italics):
"So, we are not prohibiting anyone from doing anything, only protecting our children and wives from potential danger."

"Does that show love?"

"We are not against anyone, but men are men, regardless of what clothes they wear."

"Does that show love?"

"We can love the sinner, but must not condone or ignore the sin."

"Does that show love?"

"What would you have us do?"

"Love them anyway."

"Gays, men who think they are women?"

"Love them anyway."

"Murderers, rapists, thieves?"

"Love them anyway."

"Muslims, terrorists?"

"Love them anyway."

"Pedophiles, deviants?"

"Love them anyway."

"But, how do we protect the faith?  How do we ensure that our children are safe and not at risk to this sinful life and mockery of your values that America has become?"

"I protect the faith, I protect you.  My Father, who is your father as well, will judge all, including you.  You are not here to protect my church, or to protect me.  You are here to love others as you would be loved.  And while doing that, teaching them, with your love and words, about me and my Father in heaven, and the Holy Spirit who should dwell in you and help you.  We do not need your protection and we do not call you to be angry for us, just hungry and zealous for us.  To be in my church means to be in me, and I in you.  I can not exist in hate, and I will not dwell in pridfeful judgement, only humble piety."

"But, it is wrong, it is in the Law."

"So we're the Pharisees that put me on a cross, so that I might atone for your sins.  The Law did not die, it is forever.  But, I made you whole even though you broke my Law.  Do not withhold the same love from your fellow man, in my name.  That is offensive to me, and on that my Father will judge you."

"I told you my story of a Pharisee and a tax collector.  They both went to the Temple to pray.  The Pharisee prayed by comparing himself with the tax collector, and how much better he was.  That would break my heart to keep hearing you do.  The tax collector had many sins, but he did not concern himself with the obvious sins of the Pharisee, he just simply said he was not worthy and asked for mercy.  You all have your own sins.  More than you can count, or overcome.  Pay your attention to them, and not to the sins of others.  Leave vengeance to my Father, or do you think He needs your help?  Where is your faith?"

Imagine it.  I imagine sharing my words with Jesus all the time.  And, I am usually ashamed.  It makes me desire His mercy, His presence.  And, it makes me aware that I might be driving others away from Him.  That is a sin I cannot deny, but do not want to be guilty of.

Stop.  Think.  Pray.  Speak.  That is the correct order.  I pray that you have a day full of pauses, lots of good conversations with Jesus, and feel His presence in your heart, as you speak.  I should have had that process last night with that poor dude from Sothwest.  None of us get it right all the time.  Thankfully, Grace is like an ocean of oceans.  I use up a good bit of it every day.


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