Monday, August 1, 2016

Gold Star Mom

For those of you that do not understand, Gold Star families are families that lost sons/daughters/brothers/sisters.  It is not a complex club to join, it has no restrictions except that a family member must die in the service of this nation.

Let us all understand, a death has to occur.  There is no other way to gain admission.  What is not required is any kind of litmus test on religion, or race, or gender, or sexuality.

I spent my time.  I did 22 years in the military, all over this globe in defense of America.  I also know some of these families, the fathers and mother and brothers and sisters of friends that will never come home, except in one of those grey boxes that process through Dover.

There are none of them perfect.  All of them have their own struggles, outside of the devastating loss of one of the closest members of their family they will ever love.  Some are unpleasant.  Some are uneducated.  Some are temperamental.  Some are brilliant.  Some are just so sad that it consumes them.

One thing, and one thing only, that commends itself as holy is that one man should lay down his life for another.  If you are responsible for the birth, raising, development and nurture that creates a person so willing, so noble in comparison to all the rest of the world, you are owed a debt from this nation.

It is not a debt paid in money, nor in treasure, nor in some other material gain.  It is a debt that can only be satisfied by respect and honor.

If you are so damaged that you do something disrespectful to these Gold Star families, you are a special kind of warped.  If it is because you feel your own feelings are hurt by the truth being told about you, you have nothing to redeem you.

It was simple.  He was a hero.  The Khan's sacrifice was enormous and my heart breaks for their loss.  PERIOD.  That was all that needed be said.  But, now it is about being attacked viciously, it is about the wife not being allowed to speak, it is about all of this other mess.

A man with that little class, that little empathy, that little sense, that little awareness and that little soul, ought not to be the nominee of a major political party.

I spent a year praying daily for my nephew to come home safely.  I am one of the lucky ones, my prayers were answered with his safe return.  I cannot imagine what would make you pick a disturbance with a family who's prayers were not answered with the safe return of their loved one.

It is the most disturbing thing I have yet seen in this idiot's carnival that is this election cycle.  It is lower than I have seen a candidate stoop in my life time.

If you support this man, if you vote for him, you support demeaning and devaluing the sacrifice made by a family who loved this country enough  to immigrate, to build a life and raise children willing to serve all of us, and work to keep all of us safe.  You do, you.  Not calling this out, not denouncing this, and you condone this.

That is how it is.  Not just from my vantage point.  This is horrific.

GLYASDI, but even He wouldn't put up with this mess.

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