Saturday, August 13, 2016

On My Mind

When I woke up this morning, this was the first thing I saw as I scrolled through stuff, trying to wait for the coffee to make a full cup.  It rang some bells in my head, I think this had something to do with something I was dreaming last night.  I do not remember dreams very frequently, but I get those feelings that this is somehow related.

I actually saw it on an advertisement for a challenge coin.  Funny how God finds places to put his message before you.  It is this passage in Ephesians.  6:10-13 Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in his mighty power.  Put on the full armor of God, so that you can stand against the devil's schemes.  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  Therefor, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.

This is one of those passages in the Bible I always considered to be kind of trippy and paranoid.  Because after it, comes all this allegory about bucklers and belts of truth and such.  Kind of sounds like Dungeons and Dragons.  And we dismiss this kind of allegorical prose as somehow lacking in modern standing.  Because we are working hard on confusing ourselves all the time.

We are constantly working on confusing ourselves about how much we understand and can quantify this world.  As we advance in science and understanding, it becomes more and more acceptable to read passages like this, and the entire book of Revelations, or Song of Solomon, and conclude that it is just poetic license for some high minded spiritual mumbo jumbo.

We assume that because we have harnessed the atom and contend that we know the physical dimensions of the smallest particles of matter, that there is no longer a veil beyond which we cannot see.  We assume that the potential that there are entities that we cannot perceive physically, is completely extinct.  We can even 3D image the insides of the human body.  We can see at the nanoscopic level with electron scanning microscopes.  We can date things, based on carbon decay dating, that are millenia older than we interpret the Bible to age Earth.

We continue to have science lies fed to us, that allow us to continue to shake the confines of our faith.  We assume that there cannot continue to be planes beyond our knowing, because we now know so much.  To that I reply 1 Corinthians 13:12 For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face.  Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, as I have been fully known.

I am not suggesting that science is a lie.  Xrays are real science.  Chemistry is real science.  And there is nothing evil in science, except the use we make of it.  However, the assumption that we know fully is a lie.  It is a lie that would be called a lie by responsible scientists.  We know so little of the universe, and the rules and rhythms behind it, that we barely can quantify how great the gap in our knowledge is.  This wonderful universe that we live in, is so complex, interrelated and mysterious, that is will consume all lifetimes for eternity and still not be defined and completely understood.

But, science is becoming a basis for lies that we tell ourselves.  We are almost completely consumed with the notion that there is a physical and tangible reason behind every single thing that occurs.  And, that we can quantify and understand that reason with our intellect.  I would say there is a tangible reason behind everything, but much of it will never be quantified by our intellect.

Things happen for the reasons that God lays out.  His actions do not necessarily invalidate or happen outside of the laws we understand.  But, there are components that we have not figured out.  There are forces and capabilities that we do not have scales or measures for.  How can I strongly assert that science is fundamental and good, and still believe in a Satan that opposes us and is a force strongly working for evil?  Because, I know there is a God that shapes us for good.  I know that there is a capacity to sin, against all we know better, against all we hold dear, that comes in our choice.  It is not a stretch to imagine that there is the same capacity in other beings that have choice.

Those beings are real.  They have powers and abilities, just as we do.  That does not mean that I think someone with brain chemistry issues is possessed by demons.  But, I do accept that we can consort with, and fall victim to manipulation and control by these fallen creatures.  The one does not cancel the other.  I think that possession is real, but mental illness is much more common and needs to be aggressively researched and treated.

I think that there are realms and powers and principalities that we cannot all see.  I do think that some of us are given sight for some of these things, purposely by God.  Some we call prophets.  Some we call medium or seers.  Some we call crazy.  It is all a disservice to the talent.  Imagine having to live in this world, bound by its strictures and yet be able to see beyond that, to comprehend the incomprehensible.  That struggle would challenge the strongest of us.  Yet, we discount them.  We call them insane, or deluded, or possessed.  We do that because they display many of our own lies to scrutiny.  They tell us how much we don't know, and we, all people, despise that.

We, therefore, do not look for an armor that provides protection against these unseen, and misunderstood forces.  We do not accept that we have to be powerful in spirit and faith just to survive this life we lead.  We do not acknowledge the power of evil in this world, and all the ways we serve that evil.

This mirror in which we see dimly, only shows us, us.  That is a difficult picture to take in.  We know our base intentions.  Sometimes, they are misunderstood and for good, and we feel persecuted when they are taken the wrong way.  Sometimes, they are completely understood and we feel angry when they are taken for what they are.  We are none of us all evil or all good.  We are just poorly educated in all the universe holds, and resistant to the teaching that would protect us from that.

If you consort with these powers, if you ask them into your life, if you ignore their presence and refuse to believe they exist, you play a dangerous game.  It required Christ to overcome their power.  His power is great enough to protect you, but it is like armor.  YOU have to choose to don it, use it, be protected by it.  That is the power that should be invited into your life, that you should consort with always.  In that light, no darkness survives.

I don't know what started my mind going down this road.  But, this is very real, and a daily battle happening all over the world.  I do know that we never offer messages that do not have purpose.  And, I hope whoever needs this message, gets it today.  For all the rest of whoever may read this, please don't just shake your head and dismiss me as some kind of religious nutjob.  It is easy to do.  But, that voice whispering in all of our heads, that usually suggests the worst side of our behavior is not just some whiff of brain chemicals.  It comes from somewhere.  It is real, and listening to it has enormous consequences that impact you and everyone you love.

As for me?  As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.  Joshua 24:15.  That is the real armor of God.  Live in his house.  And surely goodness and mercy will follow you all of your days.  The Lord is a lamp to your feet, and the rock of your protection.  You can ascend as on wings of eagles, and be carried in His mighty right hand.  Do all those verses start to explain a very real meaning?

I don't see clearly, but dimly, as in a mirror.  But, I know enough to know I don't know enough.  Prayer, desire for God and repentance, those the evil of the world cannot ever overcome.  And they are where we are meant to be, and meant to be most curious about.


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