Sunday, August 28, 2016

Mind full

I have not blogged in a few days.  I have had a complete mind full.  You know that feeling, where so many competing things are happening in your head, and you cannot break them down into groups or keep them straight?  Well, that is what happens to me when I let life overwhelm me.

So, with a mind full, the only real cure is to get it out.  So, this is going to be a series of quick hits.  I know if you read this often, you are thinking, "yeah, right."  We'll see.

The first is kind of a hot topic for me.  The 49'er guy that won't stand for the National Anthem.  I won't even type his name.  I personally think everyone has the right to their own opinion.  If that is honestly his position, more power to him.   But, as I am also entitled to my own position, I will not partake of any endeavor he is associated with.  I won't watch the game if he plays.  I won't buy the products they advertise while he plays.  I just will not participate in gaining him more financial reward to be so wholly wrong.

And, I don't even mean about his premise.  I am not black, at least I am not any more black than he is, and I have not had the experience of being black in America.  I have my own opinions about the whole subject.  But, for the sake of argument, even if I concede he is right, that is still no reason not to show respect for the flag and for those who have defended it.  The flag waving at Ft. McHenry, the flag going up San Juan Hill, the flag streaming over Mt. Suribachi on Iwo Jima, that flag, and those sacrifices made to take that flag there deserve the respect of every American.

If you are rich enough to live in a land that allows your opinion, allows your idiocy in support of that opinion, indulges your bias and allows your error, you are rich enough to support the men and women that have given you that gift.  It is not about the color of your skin, or your station in life.  But, if you are a young black man, earning HUNDREDS of millions of dollars, to play a game, with all the advantage and benefit that life brings, YOU SHOULD BE ESPECIALLY RESPECTFUL.

Had those men and women not stood, for you, all through these 240 years, you would not be where you are.  Had others not taken the promise and premise of that flag to heart, and given their last ounce of life to defend it, to protect it, you would not be where you are.  Had others not cared more for the magnificent whole, than they focused on the despicable few, you would not be where you are.  Had you even an instant of clarity outside of yourself, and the mistaken and egregious lies you have been filled with, you would understand exactly where you are.  And, you would think God for the blessing of living in this land of the free, protected and provided by the brave.

That is what sitting on your overpaid, unappreciative, and just flat wrong ass, during the salute to that flag and all that she stands for, means.  You ignore the blessings provided and protected by the brave that have gone before you.  It is not a black or white thing, honoring that ensign.  If it was, then you ignore all the valor of the many men and women of color that have defended and supported that flag.  If you look at that flag through the prism of race, you miss the damn point, and I have no significance to attach to you.

Stand and deliver means something to some of us.  Not about a classroom.  Not about math.  It means something about brothers and sisters lost.  It means something about an idea and a vision precious enough to risk your very life over and for.  It means something for the dedication of those who have, who are, and who will serve.  To utilize your pitiful platform of entitlement and favor, to do something that denigrates those that stood and delivered, is simple unacceptable.

I know no one in your life has ever made the world about something outside of you.  Unfortunately, for millions of us, the world is very much always about something outside of us, and we do not have the luxury nor the inclination to focus on the singular.  There is something broken and miserable in you.  You, your background, your history and your success are a joke.  The 19 year old kid that wished he had the ability to play well enough to go to college, but instead ended up on a firing line in Afghanistan, paying the ultimate price in defense of our freedom to be watching 16 games in HD, he is who deserves notice and respect.

You deserve an butt whipping, the kind you should have gotten as a spoiled 10 year old, who acts more generously than you do.  I would do it myself, but I doubt I am physically able anymore.  See after 21 years of rolling out on steel decks and vertical ladders, my knees and feet don't work like they used to, sadly.  On second thought, if I had the opportunity, I am pretty certain I could get it done, you pansy, crybaby bitch.  You don't have an ounce of my dedication and integrity, and I am a poor example compared to all the rest of my brothers and sisters in the whole long history of this great nation.  You aren't a pimple on a good man's butt.

So, keep your seat, you ungrateful, ignorant and arrogant little shite.  I don't want it.  How that makes life better for anyone, showing disrespect while being in a position granted solely by luck and providence, that is not available anywhere else in the world, I do not fathom.  You are pitiful, but you won't get any of my pity.  You get only my disdain and my disgust.  Those around you that enable your display of petulance, they earn it too.  The owners, the sponsors, the league, the players, they are all tainted by you and your smallness.  And you are too ignorant to understand even that.  Sadly, they are as well, which is why there is silence among them.

Piss off you little, pitiful, spoiled and petulant manchild.  I don't hope you get hurt.  I don't hope you have something evil befall you.  Were I able to, face to face, I would show you what I think.  Since I am not, I won't make any wishes or curses for your future.  I hope you live a long life, and in that life, you daily meet someone without an arm, or leg, or eye, that gave them in defense of your nation.  For it is your nation too, you little baby.  Sadly, it is as much yours as mine.  It is my hope the team, whatever teams you play for, hire disable veterans to stand, or sit (because their legs are gone) at attention every time the anthem is played, RIGHT BESIDE YOUR DISGUSTING LITTLE ASS.

I would like the world to see heroes on that great stage, and put in perspective just how small and trivial you are.  Bastard, just an unmitigated bastard.  I hope it is a long and blessed life, that you can never take satisfaction from, because you just are not capable of seeing the majesty around you.  Piece of shit.

I was wrong, that really was the only thing I needed to get off my chest.  Can't express how much that disgusts me.  Disgusts me more that there is not more anger over it.  We just ignore it, because we are afraid someone will think we are racist for calling out the little bitch for what he is.  It is not about black and white, though he thinks it is.  It is about right and wrong, for something that is more than black or white.  And, if you don't comprehend that, I got nothing for you.  Move along and take a seat on the bench next to that other fricking loser a**hole.


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