Saturday, December 12, 2015

Higgs boson, yes, I know what it is

Let me be clear, in advance, this is not written from the point of view of expertise or advanced knowledge.  This is written as a novice discovering truth as he stumbles along boogering it up every which way.

But, it is all about perspective.  I have so much in my life to be exceedingly happy about.  There is an abundance of every good thing in my life and in my world.  I try to keep my focus there.  It is hard to do at times.  I am living a life, just like everyone else.  Things don't work like I want them to, things don't turn out like I want them to, the results are not what I predict at times.  These are the things that get us tied up and distracted.

I have stuffed tied up all over me.  It is like I dragged the bottom of the ocean and dug up every lost fishing net since the time of Christ.  At least that is what it feels like if I let it.  While I cannot control the probabilities and outcomes, I can control the Joe stress.

In Phillipians, Paul (who I admire greatly as a man of faith and a writer), says:
"Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.  Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it.  But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." (3:12-14)

I have an identity affinity with Paul.  Not that I am in any way in the ballpark of Paul's accomplishments, nor of his caliber in the pantheon, but I do have an affinity with the man and his words.  His preaching and writing speak to me in ways that the writing of Peter and James and Jude and John do not.  It is not that those other writers do not edify me, or strengthen my faith, or are in some way inferior to Paul, I just have a close affinity to how and what Paul says.

In that regard, I pay closer attention to what Paul is saying about himself than I would otherwise, because I ask often if it is true of me.  If I have an affinity, there must be a connection in response.  So, when I am struggling, or heavily burdened, I come back to Phillipians alot.  This is Paul communicating about joy, and about love for this church, and its effect on him.  It is my comfort source when I am heavy laden.

In 4:4-7; Rejoice in the Lord always.  I will say it again: Rejoice!  Let your gentleness be evident to all.  The Lord is near.  Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

I am anxious about just about everything.  It is how I am wired.  God made me this way.  That does not mean it is okay to let myself be a slave to that predisposition.  I work on that every day.  I had a very long night, thinking about many things that are weighing on me.  I finally started searching in me for how do I get out of that funk, and I could back to 4:7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

I got some sleep, and I woke up with some peace.  Not because I have answers to the situations in front of me, but because I have someone to take the burden.  If I allow Him to, He will guard my heart and mind.  I won't understand how, it transcends my understanding.  But He will give me peace.

That is a big, joyful commitment from the Father.  In our times of strife and struggle, we can get peace.  It does not make it easier, nor does it make us smarter.  But, it does let us know that we are not alone in the struggle.  We are not abandoned to our own devices.  And, we will be given the understanding we need, to end up where the Lord desires.

I hope that I don't need much peace, going forward, that we have an easy time determining our path.  But, I suspect, based on past experience, that the world will likely be a rough road.  But, it is okay.  I press on, to take hold of that for which Christ took hold of me.  That is a key thing.  This is not me bopping around, trying to just be a good guy where I can.  There is a purpose to my journey, directed by Christ, that requires me to take hold of something, some faith, some peace, some discernment, some wisdom.  I have a part to play, and I am given all the tools I need.  I just have to be willing to let Christ direct the path.

I think that is the biggest struggle people have, committing to belief in the Christian faith.  It is contrary to our nature to accept that we do not control our ultimate outcome.  It is contrary to our thought that Christ is directing us.  The sin voice calls it manipulative.  The holy voice calls it calling.  Whichever your listen to, the urge is real.  The direction is undeniable.  You can avoid it, ignore it, refuse it.  That is what free will consists of, but you cannot escape it.

When we have relationship or life regret, it is always around those points where Christ called us, and we refused the call.  It is always wrapped up in hurting ourselves or others, but the regret, the shame the guilt, that is from ignoring Christ.  He is our Lord, whether we accept Him or not, and that cannot be ignored deep in your soul.  It is a thing which we cannot alter within us.  Our intellect is not equal to the task, nor is our pride and hubris able to deny it in our inner heart of truth.

It pains me to watch people in turmoil with the calling of Christ.  It pains you too.  It is what makes us hurt for those addicted, those sickened, those in poor life situations.  We knew the calling of Christ in their life, and see them in conflict with it, and that hurts us.  Not just from sympathy and empathy, but because it reflects our own conflict.  We know that we don't have it down and perfect.

We should keep coming back to 4:7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.  If we obey the calling of Christ, the peace of God protects our hearts and minds.  How do missionaries face danger and privation daily with joy?  The peace of God guards their hearts and minds, because they are living the calling of Christ.

Frustration, fear, worry, concern, these are all things that God wants us to throw off.  I am working to that end.  I am working on following the calling of Christ, though what that path is is not clear to me today.  But, I know that if I seek it, God will protect me and will protect mine.

That is my joyful report this morning.  I know who has my back.  I know who has my six.  I know what kind of firepower my backup brings to the fight, and I am not scared to scrap with anyone.  Because I don't have to face it with fear, I can find a way to enjoy it with joy.  Sounds crazy, but it is true, and that is part of the miraculous nature of God.  It is beyond our understanding, but that does not make it unreal.  We took 40 years to isolate the Higgs boson, and it is still questionable if we constructed the science to fit our observation, or observed what our science predicted.  It is, still, in ways beyond our understanding but that does not make it unreal.

I am not worried about elemental physics particles of sizes on the infinitely small this weekend.  I am way more interested in tying into forces that are universally large, and get me some of God's peace, God's joy and God's love.  I hope you will all pray that for me and for yourselves.  That is my prayer for you.  Tie in to things that are larger than all our comprehension, instead of our continued focus on minutia that is too small to measure in the grand scheme of things.


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