Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Dem Debate

So, tonight, is the Dem debate.  I expect that Bernie Sanders will do very well.  The man is a fireball, and the exact opposite of Hillary.  I don't agree with a whole lot of stuff he says, but I do with some of it.  Yeah, go figure.  I think college education should be affordable, that schools should be good, that people should have access to affordable health care, and that those things do not come outside of government.

Government is supposed to be there, it is codified in the Constitution.  That document that says we can all have guns, and worship as we please, and publish radical ideas like these, that document defines, describes, empowers, enlightens and ensures the establishment of the central government of this nation.  It prescribes powers to the branches of the government.  These powers are supposed to be held in checks and balances, to prevent one branch from exercising control beyond its merit.  But, they are powers, this is real.

This election will be about the role of government.  Trust me, right now, we are all about flip flopping, trust, blah, blah, blah.  But, this election is either going to elect a person that constrains and constricts the government, creating greater and greater wealth in the already wealthy, while stagnating the wealth of all the rest of the populace, or a person that blooms the government and constrains the wealth of the wealthiest, while increasing the wealth of the rest of the populace.

What do I mean?  Simple.  And, follow along, I am not describing Democrats and Republicans.  Candidates from either party are equally capable of being either of the Presidents described.  This is not parties, this is reality.

We have bridges collapsing.  We have rail lines deteriorating.  We have inadequate power grids.  We have inadequate delivery systems for commodities inside the country.  We have a work force that is becoming increasingly dumb.  We have a populace that is aging.  We have a savings system that is non-existent.  We have a job market that is not robust.  We have an overpriced, inefficient health care system.  We have a failed veterans network of care.  We are not creating energy sectors, but doubling down on an energy commodity that is all too finite.

We are missing the window.  We are doing it because of a lack of vision, because of a lack of courage and because of a lack of empathy.  Vision is lost, when it is acceptable to be an elected official, and consider it a victory to make sure nothing gets done.  Courage is not in voting/vetoing to make a statement, it is in doing it to make a difference.  Empathy is completely absent, when the VA is continually allowed to be what it is, and we have 20% child hunger in at risk homes.

Does it cost money to do these things?  Are any of these things going to energize every base of support?  Is there any spine left in any of our government officials.

Roads, they cost money, and you can't make Mexico pay for it.  Electric grid instability, antiquated sewer lines, inadequate water supply, decimated military structures, burgeoning elder care costs, education pricing out of even middle class house holds, continuing failure of public services, these are the things we all see.

Yet, we all look for the candidate that promises to fix it, and spend less.  We have been listening to the spend less lie, and big government lie since the 90's and continue to fall behind the curve we need to be on, to revitalize and maintain our entire economy.  We have spent foolishly, but that is over.  Nothing can be done to recover it now.  But, to make that the reason we cannot build roads, hospitals, energy plants, educate a work force, and contrive outcry over the most egregious outliers on both sides of the debate, to forestall any progress, just makes the price tag go up.

That is the lie we are being told.  No one, regardless of party, can go to Washington, in any capacity, and spend less and keep this country from crumbling underneath us.  We need to spend differently, reprioritize, reorder, reconsider, compare, contrast, and worst of all, compromise to make it happen.  We may not be able to make the Caucus of Dorks happy all the way, and Berkenstock Caucus happy all the way at the same time.  But doing nothing just makes all of us unhappy all the time, and still does not forestall the spending.  

Try to not focus on the lie, and focus on finding a candidate that is willing to take 80% of the total right thing, and keep moving forward, instead of clinging to the myth of 100%.  I have tried to avoid names here, but I mention one, Ted Cruz.  He is cheered for the attitude that it is okay, in fact valued, to be obstinately rigid in public policy, and place the security, good credit and influence of the nation in jeapordy.

We have had these men and women in our system since exception.  We don't remember Garfield, consensus worst President we have ever had, he basically oversaw the start of the Civil War.  Lincoln's election created movement but Garfield refused to act in any way to forestall the issues (Ted Cruz) and we paid the price for it over 640,000 times.  

Don't focus on the lie that Fox and CNN feed you, that you have to promise the moon while squeezing the nickel.  Focus on the ideas that sound good, the proposals that impact you, your situation.  Ignore the money, demand the substance.  Then allow them to do it.  

Nothing is free, and the Constitution doesn't allow us to have no government.  It is a ridiculous world, on both sides of the aisle, and a deadly cycle we need to break.  Just food for thought.  We need to think about this election really hard.  We need to set a path forward, and soon.  Look for a leader, and then follow.  It is important.


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