Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The word and the Word

I hate the word.  It has stolen more time from my family and my loved ones than I can express.  It has stolen them away from us, and left us with holes in our lives, and just memories.

It is so evil, the word, that when it steals those we love away, it tortures and racks them.  We get no relief or rest from the word, given the damage and drain and waste it wreaks on them.  Those images, those memories forever taint all the other memories.

We often feel guilty, should we have done something sooner, should we have asked more questions, should we have insisted on different directions.  We often feel responsible, as if we had only done that one thing, if we had only made or not made that one decision.

We feel powerless.  The word is relentless, tireless and remorseless.  It attacks and attacks and attacks.  The pain and discomfort are continual byproducts that we are incapable of preventing.  The "medicine" for the word is literally poison.  Even the professionals cannot bring themselves to call it medicine, they refer to it as the "program" or the "treatment".  You must hurt and damage the whole, to fight the word.

Power, wealth, status, prestige, none of that has any bearing on the word.  Nothing in this world is effective at completely preventing the word.  The word exists, as a byproduct of genetics, a byproduct of environment, and/or a byproduct of exposure.  Nothing tells you what exactly will bring the word into being, no one knows.  There is just loose causal indicators, and observational data expressed in percents and statistics.

People were not meant to be percents and statistics.  People were meant to flourish, to live complete lives of unbridled potential.  People were not meant to require "programs", "treatments", or worst of all, protocols.  People were meant to connect and to emote and to interact.  People were meant to look each other in the eye, to focus on each other.  The word almost cannot be communicated directly.  None of us seems to have the power to maintain connection and communicate the word.

The word is an evil.  The word is an enemy.  The word is a product of the Enemy.  The word is totally contained within our physical being.  The word cannot exist outside of us, its host.  The word is a parasite, a terrible, deadly, evil parasite.

But, that means the word is corporal.  The word is solely contained to this world, this existence.  The word is not eternal, and can never be eternal.  The word is darkness and corruption, and can never exist in light and perfection.  The word's days are numbered, and have been from its inception.  The word is a temporary, terrible, but powerless tool of the Enemy to impact our eternal and forever soul. The essential part of us that is the image of God, it can never experience the word.  It can never be infected, and it is our complete defense against the word.

I hate the word.  It has caused an unimaginable amount of pain throughout my life, and throughout my family.  It is unwelcome, it is unwarranted, yet it is undeniable.  There is nothing to do, in combatting the word, other than to go to the source of the eternal.  The word is only defeated by the forces of the eternal condemning it to this life and this journey.  The word will never travel the next phase of our walk with us.  It is wholly and completely defeated, as are all corporal problems, by the light of God within our souls.

I know much about the "treatment" of the word.  I have vast experience in its symptoms, its effects and its corruption.  I have prayed over it, and prayed about it, and prayed through it, and prayed to understand why it was allowed to defeat me again.  But, I will NOT give up.  I will not quit, and I will not shirk from facing it, from hating it, from fighting it, from forbidding it to have any power or hold over the essence of me.

Tonight, not only does Eric face this battle with the word with his own family, but I learned that I face the word again in my family.  I have another member of the family fighting the word, which means I am again fighting the word.  And the weapon I choose, the strategy I will take is to use the Word, the Way, the Truth, the Light.

When you face the word, use the Word, rely on the Word, live within the Word, and trust the Word.

To the word, to cancer, I say the Word. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth do change,"  The earth, the word, cancer, do change.  The Word, it has not, does not and shall not. 

Pray for Daddy as he faces cancer the fourth time.  Pray for Jerri as she battles cancer.  Pray for us all, as we fight in support of them.  Do not give up.  Do not fear.  Do not be discouraged.  "Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God."

We will praise God again.  We will have salvation.  We are saved.  It is already done.  Cancer is done.  We have only to go through it, without allowing our soul to lose faith and trust in God.  We will prevail.  

"Be still, and know that I am God.  I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!"


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