Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Random thoughts

Tonight is a random thought night.  I get these occasionally.  Times when so many things bump around in my head that I struggle to put order to them.  I am no more immune to overload than anyone else.  I just usually manage it a bit better than tonight.

At any rate, random point #1.  Lamar Odom.  Don't know exactly where to start here.  But, first, let me say that I honestly had no idea who he was before he OD'ed in the whorehouse.  So, I have no wish for evil for him or any of those around him.  But, as I did not know him prior to the whorehouse incident, being found comatose in a whorehouse does not commend him to my knowing.  Quite honestly, I don't understand why anyone wants to follow this, this fellow, or the scummy little tragedy that was his life.

No, I do understand, it is because a subsection of us, feel that because we watch this wretchedly disfunctional family of rich and self-servile go through their scripted show, that we know them.  We feel a connection to them, an affinity for them.  I don't condemn anyone for that feeling, or watching the show.  To each their own.  But, watching their show (that has a script and is the furthest from reality you will ever encounter), does not let us know them.  We do not.  We can guess rather easily that they are all damaged and disfunctional, that is on display.  We don't know them.

So, the overly dramatic messages and tweets that are flooding the internets, he is never going to see, read or respond to.  The prayers are helpful and useful, and because he will never know or comment, thank you for them.  To my point, there are people all around you, that you interact with constantly, that do not have that level of scum in their lives, do not have the support network of Mr. Odom, and would appreciate your interaction, prayer and genuine smile.  Spread it to them, do yourself and them some genuine good.  That is reality, for real.

Random point #2.  There is little that is less appealing to me, than to think about the state of the VA, nor the society that accepts it.  When I look at the things wrong in the system, I continue to see the same issues.  Those in charge are incompetent.  I really wish that we had political leadership that had just enough courage to say that, to root it out, and to jettison those in place that cannot do their job.  People that served, sacrificed and were willing to die for this society are left to the care of the incompetent and corrupt.  We continue to pay them instead of prosecute them, and that absolutely infuriates me.  It should you too, especially if there is anyone you know that relies on the VA.

We should demand to see this fixed.  If you can read this, you can Google your Representative and Senator's email address.  Take 30 seconds to send them an email a day.  "Get busy and fix the VA, or I will vote for whoever runs against you."  You can copy and paste it.  Want to make a difference, start there.  Tell everyone you know to do the same.  Simple messages work best.  Keep sending it, and follow through.  Somewhere, a veteran dying waiting for care will thank you, without ever knowing you.

Random point #3.  It should be wrong, what the government makes the drug companies put in their advertisements and labels.  Scares me to agree to take most everything you see advertised.  There is some drug, I can never remember to pay attention to the name, that can cause a brain infection.  This infection is normally serious and permanently disabling.  I don't know what kind of condition you have, but trading that possibility for whatever sickness seems rash to me.  I understand that the ambulance chasers have forced this upon us.

You should not need to choose from contracting a case of raging tropical anal herpes or having pain in your back.  And, because someone travelled to Cameroon during the trial and contracted the disease, does not mean you will have it.  Honestly, I am facing some decisions about medicines, and this is not helping.  I don't want tuberculosis.  I don't want what I have either.  When the docs say, "we have been using it for 10 years" I respond with "smart, educated people like you put asbestos in shingles today, and have for 100 years."  I am not comforted.  Nor do I know how best to prove/disprove the claims in either direction.  Really, who do you trust?

Random point #4.  I don't have much else to relate.  I have friends and family that are hurting tonight.  I am going to go pray for them, pray for me, and try to get this mess out of my mind.  Hope you all have a great evening.


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