Saturday, November 28, 2015

Chicago Backwards

There is a narrative involved in Chicago, and the unrest there.  There is a story there, one that is unfit for America.  It is not the one you are hearing in the press.  The press is covering a story about protest for the killing of a young black man, high on drugs, non-compliant with police that was shot and killed.  The facts of the case indicate that the police officers, mulitple police officers, report the same activity and non-compliance.

Then, one of the cops shoots the young black man, alot.  Not what you would expect, nor is it permissible.  Sounds like a bad cop, and he has been charged with murder, first degree.  We will see what the legal system does.  But, that is the story the press is covering, but it is not the narrative.

The narrative is about a 9 year old kid, lured into an alley and assassinated.  Assassinated by black gang members, in retaliation to his father's dealings, who is also a black gang member.  Let me settle that around you one more time.  9 year old kid, carrying a basketball, if I remember the story right, lured into an alley and then assassinated, shot multiple times.

There is no indication of drugs in the kid's system.  There is no indication of issue with the kid being compliant.  Kid did not have a weapon.  He was just hunted and bagged for some ridiculous gang related foolishness.  Immature and ill conceived men, playing little boy games, with real weapons and real outcomes.  Thugs, criminals, terrorists.

When does that little black kid's life matter?  When do the protests and rallies start for that little black kid?  Not the high young man, carrying a weapon, that got shot, but the 9 year old sober kid carrying a basketball, when are his protests?  When does the loudmouthed priest with the Vitalis in his hair get incensed about the killing of that little kid?  When does the Sharpton and Jackson Sideshow Review show up and act like grown men and race mentors and demand justice for that little kid?

When pigs fly.  There is no advantage or profit in covering how bad the gangs are.  No publicity and anger to generate among the masses, no riling them up and getting them crusading against the Gangster Disciples and Crips and Bloods and all the rest of the retard crowd.  There is not a handful of people that you are going to motivate to march through the hood and tear up the crack houses and corner drug dens, over killing a 9 year old.  Not going to happen.

But, half the useless city will go picket in front of the Disney Store to show how upset they are with the police.  Half the city will not wonder what the young man high on drugs, carrying a weapon, was doing and why he didn't comply with the police.  Half the city will not wonder what else is supposed to happen when someone is carrying a deadly weapon and will not drop it, even if the cop accused of murder had not shot him 16 times.  Half the city will not ascribe any responsibility to the young man high on drugs that got himself killed, even if it was murder.

But, they won't even take to task the part of the city that is mowing down 9 year olds, shooting up street corners, killing indiscriminately and without regard to guilt or innocence of their victims.  It makes me sick.  They won't even work up a good pissed off at the 9 year old's father, who refused to cooperate with authorities, to find the killer of his son.  I am sorry, I won't refer to him as a father again.  He was a sperm donor, and I have very little respect for the woman that took that donation.

9 year olds should go to football games, not their own funerals.  Cities should turn themselves inside out to find the murderer that would kill an innocent in that way.  It is all fine and good to go picket at Macy's, after you have made the 'hood uninhabitable for the gangs that are murdering every day.  Want a connection and correlary, do you think the high young man got the dope, that ended up getting him killed, from somewhere other than the same gangs that killed the 9 year old?

That cop shot the young man, and it looks wrong and will likely result in a justified conviction.  But, that cop was not out hunting that young man.  Had the young man not been high, running the streets, that cop would not have killed him.  The dope did it.  The dope war, and entrenched gang presence is what killed the 9 year old.  The same culprits, with the same motivators.  Scum, simple and pure scum, with nothing redeeming or concilliating about them.

Instead of addressing the root of the cause, the agitators and instigators are working to fire up everyone about the cops, the "discount" on black life, the injustice of it all.  I watch the news here, not in Chicago.  Want to know the real injustice?  No one is teaching these generations of young black citizens to value their own lives, and the lives of their community.  They are being told that it is going to get better if we can just make white people understand black lives matter, as if they don't already.  It is the most inexcusable lapse of public and civic leadership I have ever seen perpetrated on a whole community of people that seem incapable of understanding the delusion.  You can cry wolf only so many times, and then the wolf just gets to eat you.  Watch the news in any city in America, and you will see that the wolves are not hungry at this point.

Black lives matter, few white people would even wonder why we are discussing that, except that it is clearly apparent that those with the least value on black lives, are black people.  But, it is not just black, those impoverished and disadvantaged are all in the same boat.  The gang violence in the Hispanic communities of poverty, in the Asian communities of poverty, and though it is not allowed to be spoken of in the media, the white communities of poverty, is as entrenched.  We have seen this previously, in the gang violence of the Irish and Italian and Jewish poor, in the ghettos of early 20th century America.  We made the Godfather movies over it, because it is romanticized now, but it is the exact same behavior and pattern.  This is not new, and none of that got better because we got less anti-Semitic or anti-Irish.  It is not going to be fixed by trying to make the world less anti-black.

Save me your lectures on the white entitlement nation.  I don't deny it.  But, white entitlement is not putting bullets in 9 year old's heads, shooting grandmothers, spraying automatic gunfire around parks.  That is not white entitlement, and not the subject of a single protest march, or media campaign to do anything to address it.  It is ridiculous.  When you wonder what I don't see about this situation, why I don't get the whole black lives matter campaign, it is simple.

You can not stand funtionally silent, while those in your neighborhood, in your knowledge, in your sight commit crime after crime, without doing anything material about it, and then have the gall to be pissed off at how the rest of the world treats you.  How do you treat yourselves?  Drag the scummy little booger that popped that 9 year old kid to the cops for handling.  Line up to stand there and record and watch the dope dealing, to turn it in for prosecution.  Refuse to allow them to live with you while dealing.  Quit having their children.  Quit pretending it is just how it is, and refuse to be the human debris they scavenge.

Then you get some traction with me about black lives matter, or brown lives matter, or yellow lives matter, or whatever lives matter.  They always have, but you wouldn't know it watching the news and the decay of the poor black, poor brown, poor yellow, and poor white neighborhoods.  That is the crime, and it is perpetrated on themselves.  Until that gets the same attention every rag bag killing involving a white cop gets, we are not going to have anything change, that makes lives better for those suffering most.  And that crowd of worthless warts on the anus of civilization leading and inciting and enabling this Chicago mess deserves what eventually happens to every wart on your butt.

Just does not ever square with me, how you can be so incensed about what happens in the vast minority of events, and be satisfied living in terror all of your days.  It is just sad, really, really sad.  And, it seems impossible to get through the haze and address the real culprits.  The gangsters are only the symptom.  The culprits are in the network that enables, protects and hides them.  They call it fear, love, make it how you make it, but it is just criminal complicity.  It all comes down to the same thing, the real culprits.  Get that greasy haired priest to pray on that, instead of the door of the Disney Store.  Worthless, and shameful.

Until self accountability and internal responsibility are found, this does not change, regardless of how many "bad" cops get put in jail.  That was the secret of Dr. King, that we gloss over.  He understood that the internal change, the refusal to accept that which is entrenched and to demonstrate that refusal with personal action of courage and conviction, that was the power within the people.  No leader today seems to understand that.  Today, it is all about changing the window dressing, and the external factors that are beyond control, and there is no attention to the internal factors that drive the most change.

It just makes me angry when babies get killed.  Even 17 year old babies, high on PCP, carrying knives, running in the streets, that just makes me angry.  But, what makes me sad, is the complete failure of anyone in leadership to push to address the underpinnings of what is wrong.  Until that happens, to those that are perpetrating the vast majority of the violent crime, the value of a black life (brown life, yellow life, white life and certainly blue life) will be less than the cost of a magazine full of ammo.  And it will not stop until those they live among stand up and refuse to be victims any longer.

The terrible truth is, this is exactly the same situation in the Middle East, with the rise of radical Islamic extremism.  Until those they live among stand up and refuse to be victims and patsies any longer, it will not stop.  Regardless of how many drone strikes we send out, it won't change what is breeding them.  And that is the true injustice, and the true measure of what value they put on their own lives, and the lives of others.

Mad as I am, sad as I am, God loves you (and them) and so do I.  Just wish we could figure out a way to show love, not fear.  Love means accountability, not complicity.  It is all over the Bible, the entire book of Proverbs can be summed up in the conclusion that love is accountable, not complicit.  If you need that description to motivate you, it is the Christian thing to do.  Render unto Caesar, that which is Caesar's, give the punks to the justice system, and don't take them back until they are accountable.

And, I pray we figure out how to help each other, instead of segregate each other.  That is what the black life protests do, after all.  They continue to segregate the issue, enforcing racial division that becomes the focus.  Whether I understand it, or anyone else understands it, it is truth.  And, it will be why it continues to not work.  You have only to listen to Dr. King to understand why.  He had a dream, little black children and little white children playing together.  All their lives mattered, equally and without reserve to Dr. King.

Wish we had leaders today, instead of baiters and agitators.  Hope we wake up and grow some soon.

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