Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Let's play riddle me this...

There are conservatively 11,000,000 illegal immigrants in the nation.  Personally, I think that the number is closer to 30,000,000.  But, lets use the 11,000,000 figure.  At a minimum, that is where we are.

There is a big section of the Republican party, and for that matter, the Democrat party, that are lining up behind the notion of lets just send them back.  Candidates are promising to do it.  Oddly, we seem to think that campaign promise will be kept, in defiance of most logic.

Let us assume that we attempt this action.  I don't know exactly what makes this imperative.  But, some organization will be required.  Someone will have to have THE LIST.  I don't mean to point out flaws in the logic so early on, but THE LIST, yeah, it does not exist right now.  Part of the proof of that is contained in the first paragraph, where we explored that we don't know how many of these illegals that there are.  If we don't know how many, it stands to reason we don't know names, locations and other really useful information.

So, we have to generate THE LIST.  This will require people that can find and generate data of some reliability.  People with those talents are not your run of the mill government employees.  They are hard to find, hard to keep and require better than minimum wage, even at the level it is currently.  Just the effort of generating THE LIST, with 11,000,000 entries is a challenge I am not sure we are currently equipped with the infrastructure to do.  It will have to be built, server space, security options, facilities, maintenance, you get the idea.

Then, once THE LIST, or even a hunk of THE LIST, is generated, now someone has to translate THE LIST into THE PLAN.  I am not trying to be super critical of the government, I don't have to be, they just are what they are.  But, consider that THE PLAN will be generated from the gigantic LIST by the same people with the same qualifications, hiring profile, work ethic and moral integrity, as work in the VA, HUD, DOEducation, etc, etc.  How good do we think THE PLAN will be?  So, we can safely assume that THE PLAN will be just minimally effective.  There will be multiple stages of rework and errors and remediation.  Multiple will probably be too weak a word there.

However, once we have THE PLAN, we have to DO IT.  Who exactly do we get to DO IT?  The FBI should have better things to do.  The NSA swears they don't have people like that at all.  The CIA is too likely to torture them unnecessarily.  I guess that it will fall to the US Marshals and local law enforcement.  Is there anywhere in this country right now that has a police force that has extra time?  Is there a real understanding of what will be the outcome of cops doing this work?  Remember Ferguson?  That was a strong arm robbery thug idiot that tried to beat up the cop and take his gun.  The city burned for days.  Imagine when it is a Granny with a cane, who gets tased or shot because their 18 year old grandson was trying to flee.  Won't happen?  If you want to make that argument with me, just take a minute and look at the headlines from the last 6 months.

Let's say we DO IT.  Now we need a SYSTEM.  How do you use THE LIST, to execute THE PLAN, to DO IT, without a SYSTEM to induct the detainees that the DO IT generates?  Otherwise, you can never be sure that the folks on THE LIST stay detained if you don't have a SYSTEM.  A SYSTEM is really a bureaucracy.  It requires people to run it, monitor it, etc, etc.  It is kind of similar to the parole and probation program.  It will probably work just as well, considering that skill set will attract the same people that run the parole and probation system.

But, assume we make it to a SYSTEM.  A SYSTEM will require a PLACE to bring the detainees.  Without a PLACE, you have the same issue as if you did not have a SYSTEM.  So, we need what amounts to the largest detention facility we have ever imagined.  11,000,000 minimum.  Unknown split between men and women, no telling what kinds of handicaps and health issues.  It ends up being, in essence,  a Supermax.  A giant, big, huge Supermax.  A PLACE is absolutely necessary as a destination point for the SYSTEM.

Then you need a PROCESS.  Without a PROCESS, you do not have a mechanism by which you deposit the detainees far enough into Mexico to discourage them from coming right back.  I am not sure what will be required when we realize that the majority of these detainees are not Mexican, but from all over Central and South America.  Even if we get Mexico to agree to a PROCESS, what we do with the Guatemalans and Costa Ricans?  Maybe we will need multiple PROCESSES.  But, most of the extra PROCESSES will need PLACES, SYSTEMS of their own.  That gets to the point where we challenge our available talent pool to stand all this up.  Even if you let ICE just handle the legal immigration challenge we face, we still struggle to find good help.

Maybe we use guest workers from India and Pakistan.  Or we can contract out THE LIST, THE PLAN, a SYSTEM and a PROCESS to off shore support and engineering.

All of this.  That is the minimum to get it done.  We have not managed to just do the minimum ever in this nation.  But, let's say we do it in an optimized and efficient manner right out of the box.  That means maybe we can get it down to about $100 a detainee.  I think it will be closer to $3-4000 per detainee.  But using $100, that makes this price tag $1,100,000,000.  If my estimates are closer to reality, we are talking about $90,000,000,000.  That is trillions.  That is not that crazy a number to consider, as what I have described is a bare minimum, and we are talking detainees from all over the country having to be mailed home essentially.

When candidates say this mass deportation is not a viable idea, and is not an adult argument, I take exception to that.  I think it is a very adult argument.  You have to use adult words to describe how foolish and stupid the whole idea and concept are.  Almost anything we decided to do, beside what Trump and Cruz are promising, anything, would be better, easier, less prone to massive failure and easier to control.  Even the insanity that Bernie Sanders is spouting.  Yes, the Socialist is more of a realist than this crazy crop of Republicans.

I don't care what your particular poison is on this issue.  We better get economic realities straight in our heads, before we decide on candidates that promise it will be HUGE, or GREAT, and have not one clue how in the world they will actually do this.  It tells me that they do not have any intention of doing it because they are weird and warped, but not stupid.  They know it is just insanity that motivates the less careful elements of their base.

We have to work on this issue.  But don't let someone promise you a rose garden, when what they are peddling is stinkweed.  And, THE LIST, THE PLAN, DO IT, SYSTEM, PLACE, PROCESS corporate interests would just love us to try it.  Imagine the windfall for the Koch brothers, I mean, $90,000,000,000 is enough money to make Warren Buffet do skeezy stuff.  Those two, and their ilk, will milk this cow until they are richer than the Saudis.

Think.  It just doesn't make sense.  We are wasting our time talking about it.  Honestly, how can you not see that?


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