Saturday, November 28, 2015

Tim Tebow

There are worst things in this world to be, than Tim Tebow.  Win a National Championship in college, Heisman, and guide a Denver team to 8 straight and a playoff win.  That resume is impressive, solely on football merits.  There are not very many alive that have achieved those things.

I am a Tebow fan, though I could not root for him as a Gator.  Hey, it just isn't allowed if you are a Seminole fan, and I am.  However, I had a lot of respect for him as a player and a young man.  I was active duty at the time he was at Florida, and I have to tell you, we did not have many like that floating around the ship.

I think he gets a significant lack of respect.  Mike Pettine in Cleveland might prefer the Tebow over Johnny Football.  Is there anyone in America at this point, that would not prefer Tebow over Johnny Screwitup?  Look, I am not suggesting that Tebow was ever going to be Peyton or Tom Brady or even Big Ben.  But, Trent Dilfer has a Super Bowl ring, just saying, Trent Dilfer.  For that matter, so does Mark Rypien, yes, I am old school.  But, if Dilfer and Rypien can do it, absolutely Tebow could.  I can tell you truthfully in DC, we don't need Peyton, we would rather have Eli and two rings.  Tebow would have been a huge upgrade at any point for us.

Doug Flutie...okay, you get the football point.  I think it is kind of criminal and mean spirited how little respect the man gets for what he has done on the field.  Part of that comes because they do not understand how to deal with a man like Tebow.  It is easier to live with Johnny Football and his frat boy schtick, than a person of integrity and character, for most organizations.  Greg Hardy in Dallas, Adrian Peterson anywhere, (he beat his kid bloody with a stick), Ray Rice.

Look it is the NFL, Near-on Felony League.  The days when there was significant expectation that your paycheck in the league was entwined with not EMBARRASSING the league, they are long gone.  Substance abuse, beat your wife, beat your kid, whatever foolishness it is that you are doing, now, it is just another thing.  The thug life.  Aaron Hernandez.  That is the NFL narrative now.  It is so close to the NBA  that it is starting to make the NHL seem like a real sports league.

But, that is not all that has me throwing the Tebow name around tonight.  Report in the news, I was hoping that it would be his signing with the Skins, turned about to be personal news, if you call it news.  Tebow got dumped by his girlfriend because he is staying abstinent until he is married.  She is a beauty pageant something or another that I had never heard of, so I did not stick the name.

The NFL is not the only screwed up cauldron of dumbassery going on, apparently.  And, look, I have absolutely no idea how accurate or inaccurate any of the information is.  But, it literally made me want to know what is the code that people are looking for, to sort out their relationship goals.  This kind of made me sad for us as a people.

I guess there is nothing wrong with that situation.  You know if it is not working, it should be good that the thing stopped before it went too far.  But, how do you win if you are Tebow?  Rich, and he is, athletic, women tell me he is good looking, man of character and faith, I mean what does a brother have to do?

I know a lot of people dismiss Tebow's religion and faith.  Look, think of it this way, every one of those websites that the teens troll for the gotcha journalism, every one of them would find the Michael Phelps pictures of Tebow to be the Willie Wonka Golden Ticket.  It has not appeared, so it is not there.  Unfortunately for the NFL, and apparently beauty queens, Tebow seems to be the convicted and mature man of faith he proclaims.  Johnny Football can't go 72 hours unsupervised without getting outed.

What does a brother have to do?  Literally, this is a serious question.  How is it unattractive to have a man of faith, integrity, conviction, dedication and high morals?  What about honoring you, and intimacy vows, above temporary pleasure, is unattractive?  How do you do more to prove your committment to the relationship and treasuring it?  What is wrong with the picture?

Kind of makes me feel bad for the guy, in a way, and really relieved for the guy.  Clearly, his pants were not ever going to be big enough for this girl, and that is not a bad thing to find out up front.  I hope that it works out for her somewhere else, I do.

As for Tebow, I am positive he knows that all good things come to those who wait on the Lord with patience and faith.  And, I would just pass on to my friends that support the Cowboys, two healthy collarbones and more playoff wins and championships than all your current healthy quarterbacks combined.  Just saying.  But, it might not work so well, having him in that locker room.  People might start thinking about their lives, their actions.  Wouldn't want that going on, apparently no team in the NFL does.


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