Friday, November 20, 2015

Little to no chance

So, there is little to no chance of contracting Ebola within the continental United States.  The virus does not live naturally within the confines of the North American continent.  It lives, naturally, in Africa.  To have the risk of contracting Ebola, someone that contracted the disease in Africa, must travel to America and infect you.  It is not even easy to infect someone with Ebola.  It actually requires fairly intimate contact of blood bearing fluids, if I remember my military GMT correctly.

There is little to no chance of contracting Ebola, even riding on the plane with the individual that is destined to be patient zero in the US.  That is just how it works.  Yet, we collectively lost our minds about people, Americans, who contracted the virus, being brought back to the US.  Travel outside the borders, all that mess that went on.  Remember the incredibly annoying Maine chick that knew she was correct in that she was not able to infect anyone with Ebola, even if a carrier, because she was a nurse, and just went biking around freaking everyone out like crazy?

Remember how the world came to an end, and all the LL Bean wearing crowd holding their soon to be red Starbucks cups, were just horrified.  Almost to the point that they were not willing to ride the subway, or airplanes, I mean, people were genuinely mystified and apalled that this could happen here.  We had military folks there, trained for it, that we had to quarantine for 30 days on return, not because it made any sense, but because our collective minds required it to maintain our cohesion.

There was no liberal crusade to let the infected and pitiful people from the most hellish part of Africa, in to wander freely, when it was a deadly infectuous disease on their minds.  We were not urged to just be brave.  No, the conversation was to be smart.  What does it gain to bring them in?  Why would we do that, take that risk?  When we did it, there was a protocol, a huge and expensive collection of actions and controls.  For Ebola, not a highly infectious and easily communicable disease in a nation with Western sanitation.  We did this.

Now, we want to let in people that we know are infected with a deadly communicable disease.  Not just exposed, infected.  We know that they will not be able to assimilate quickly.  Even with generous and unwarranted government largesse, they will struggle and be frustrated and concerned and stressed.  Everywhere else we have taken that incubation group, provided it stress due to change it cannot absorb, it triggered VIES.  Violent Islamic Extremist Syndrome.  My own term.

Look at the Fort Hood shooter.  People knew that he was off.  They knew he had stress.  Others around him knew he was radicalizing.  He, alone is responsible for his actions, not Islam.  However, the community that he lurked within, did not out him, did not consider his potential as dangerous or worthy of comment, did not provide their end of the American contract, which is to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic.  They failed us, but performed as expected.

How did the Tsarnaev brothers manage to do what they did?  Today I had someone point out that the Columbine creeps were almost identical, except for setting.  Yep.  With that I also say, I have stated every day since Columbine that those two sets of parents are criminally negligent and bear responsibility for their children's actions and their inattention.  They did not stop the danger, and they should have seen it, and they should have acted.  But, back to the Boston terrorists, how did they manage what they did?

They had support.  They travelled and communicated.  They changed and radicalized, yet never got the attention or oversight of the community that they should have.  It is considered politically incorrect to point out that people knew what was happening, and let it go.  I won't even claim to suspect that is because they agreed with the two terrorists.  They just did not support the Contstitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, as much as they supported the right of two disaffected punks to become terrorists.

Wait Joe, what about the guy that shot up the church in Charleston, after attending Bible study.  Evil does not know differentiation to religion.  I would submit that there were plenty that knew what was happening there.  They are at fault as well.  His actions are his responsibility, but those that knew and could have intervened owe some responsibility as well.

I heard the rabid dog analogy.  I heard the database comment.  First, I am no fan of Ben Carson's campaign.  However, what he described is appropriate.  We don't want to call anyone a dog, I understand, but the behavior and risk profile and understanding of impact are accurately described in the analogy.  Probably will regret it at some point, because even though you are right doesn't mean you need to say it into a microphone.

The database mess.  Look, I quit analyzing what crap comes out of Trump's mouth. But, I watched the whole clip.  It went from what tools do you think we should utilize to deal with refugee issues, to can you explain why you advocate activities the Nazi's practiced.  Typical crap television that passes for journalism today.  This post, editorialism, not journalism.  Bias, all that.  I know you never do anything the Nazi's did, but they bathed and washed their clothes and such.  As I have said in a previous post about our illegal immigration issues, you have to have THE LIST.  You do.  Why would we not use a database to manage that data?

But, none of that matters, it is not the Donald, or Gentle Ben that are the concern.  And sorry to disappoint the clamoring thousands, it is not Obama either.  There is little to no chance that the community these refugees will be depositied into, will be any more observant, vigilant or forthcoming than we have already seen.

There is little to no chance that the expectations will change.  There is little to no chance that the inputs and outputs will change.  There is little to no chance that this outcome will not mirror the others we see, in all the varied nations we see them.  There is little to no chance that we will change as people, any more than they will change as people.  There is little to no chance that THEY will see themselves as us, at any point.  They will always be serperate, apart.

Good as the hearts and ambitions are, for all those claiming disbelief at the troglodytes like me, their heart does not change the reality in the world.  Good as 80% of the hearts of the immigrants may be, their hearts do not change the 20%.  Look at Mali.  Look at Lebanon.  Look at Baghdad.  Look at Turkey.  Look at Russian airlines over the Sinai.  Look at Egypt.  Look at Lybia.  These are predominately Muslim nations.  We are considered the Great Satan.  Look at how they treat brothers in the faith.

What is the chance they will amend how they act, because they are here in America?  Little to no chance.  Best we know that, and do what we can around the foolishness that we will not stop.  What is the chance this is going to end well for us?  Little to no chance.


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